Non-Profit Films

Seeing a child in need will always be more impactful than hearing a statistic about how many children live in poverty. Through video, you can show rather than tell.

When used effectively, I believe that video will be your greatest tool to raise support and funding to meet the needs of the people that you serve.

We’ve heard stories of churches showing a video to their congregation and immediately pledging a yearly contribution. We hope that we can make that happen for your organization.

We traveled through three different areas of Jamaica over the course of three days, making it one of the wildest schedules we’ve ever had. Despite this challenge, we were able to capture some incredible interviews and tell the story of how this ministry grew from nothing into something huge.

We traveled to the heart of the Amazon to make this film alongside the ministry Agua es Vida. The villages where we filmed were only accessible by the river, making them extremely isolated. We wanted to tell the story of the ministry as well as express the great need for clean water among these tribes.

For this film, I worked with a ministry located in Nicaragua called Chosen Children Ministry. The ministry works to help the poor people in their area in many different ways, but for this film, we decided to focus more on one aspect of their ministry, their child sponsorship program. In order to really tell the stories of these children, I followed three of them around and documented their lives.